MANAGEMENT GROUP MEETING on 20th March at 6.00pm in the Upper Bakehouse


  • Minutes of 18/10/2023 for approval. (5 mins)
  • Matters arising:
  • Communication with community re calendar and bookings            LB/JC     (5 mins)
  • Wedding brochure/wedding receptions  LG/LB    (10  mins)
  • Chair’s Report – issues and queries All          (10 mins)
  • Toilet refurbishment update plus lighting JG/KQ/RT   (5 mins)
  • Energy review /new electricity contract KQ           (10 mins)                                
  • Current budget scenario (Sept 2023 – Feb 2024)                                             KQ/KC   (15 mins)
  • Hire fees from September 2023 (see Chair’s Report)                                     All         (20 mins)
  • Fire risk assessment Jan 24: key points DG         (10 mins)
  • Future of the Bakehouse: create a planning team? LB/KQ    (10 mins)
  • Potential improvements to security                       PN           (10 mins)
  • Centenary celebrations: create planning team? LB            (5 mins)
  • AOB


The critical issue for discussion and decision are the hire fees from 01/09/2024 with the Chair’s Report, toilet refurbishment update, energy review and the mid financial year scenario all being key pointers to inform the process.