Hartington Village Hall Trustees and Management Group Meeting March 22nd 2023- 6pm Bakehouse

Attendees– Keith Quine (KQ) chair; Liz Broomhead (LB) secretary; Rob Tenty (RT) – Trustee, Andy Farmer (AF)- Trustee, Leon Goodwin –(LG) Booking Admin; Management Group- Richard Gregory(RG), John Grosvenor (JG), David Graham(DG), Kath Williamson(KW), Adie Crowe(AC); Gill Dennis(GD);Phillip Neal (PN); Judith Chantler (JC) Apologies– Trustees- Kate Craven, Management Group- David Annat


  1. Welcome – The chair welcomed members, especially Phillip Neal – Chair of HCG and Judith Chantler who has agreed to take on the role of Bookings Administrator as Leon is standing down due to increased work load. Thanks have been extended by email to LG for his immense contribution in creating the On Line Booking System from scratch, which has revolutionized the process. The trustees and Management endorsed these thanks. A meeting between LG /JC to be arranged and LB asked to be included.


  1. Minutes of Meeting which followed the AGM – 10.22– These were accepted and signed by KQ


  1. Matters arising
  2. The Cleaning teams – 6 pairs are still operating effectively – Several teams assist after large bookings
  3. KQ asked for more volunteers for the Leaden Boot event May 21st This is an important partnership, KW explained what was involved. There would be a strong possibility of a successful small grant application e.g. for Chair Pilates, Wriggles and Giggles.
  4. Support for LG to update Website especially gallery – no offers prior to meeting – PN who manages Church Website, offered to work with LG – ACTION PN to connect with LG
  5. Energy Review – see Chair’s report
  6. Plant Sales – Penny Jones away until May – Janet Bray is providing this opportunity to support Sculpture Group. LB – was aware of people who could provide some plants and was willing to work with Penny on her return to see if this was viable at the Car Park ACTION LB


  1. Chair’s Report – circulated with agenda.

Item 1– Grants – figures were adjusted in table. HMRC have paid £633 re Gift Aid on donations. DDDC have paid the ‘Warm Space’ restricted grant of £500. Foundation Derbyshire have moved our application to May and it will be put to the Freemasons Fund, Bakewell and District Fund having allocated all their monies to one applicant. We were unsuccessful in the approach to DDC Medium Grant Fund (£14K). KQ elaborated on the report – there were no questions. Thanks To KQ for all this work in finding and applying for these grants.

Item 4– Lottery- DG – 112 members, many winners have returned funds with gift aid or used funds to enhance the village environment.

Item 5 – Energy price/contract – KQ elaborated on the report. Members agreed that the main driver for the need to review hire costs was the increase in all energy costs. Electricity costs will rise x4 to over £2K. DG calculates that energy costs will rise from 26% of routine expenditure to c61%.

Our Independent Examiner’s Report on the 2021/2 budget had been circulated prior to the meeting. There are no issues arising.

ACTION: KQ will complete the Annual Return to the Charity Commission.

PN expressed his thanks for the work undertaken.


  1. Kitchen Refurbishment update start date 3.7.23- Unit costs are secured, Andy Wain does not charge VAT – “the strip out” will be done 2.7.23 by volunteers. The cost -£23,730. As confirmed in Chair’s report some of the grants have not been realised and still awaiting outcome of others. The worst-case scenario is a short fall of £6000. Four families have offered an interest free loan to cover this if needed. We may for the first time in our refurbishment plans need to use our own reserves.

KQ asked if members were happy to use £16,000 of our £22,000 held by Village Hall? Agreed unanimously.

RG asked what would the £16.000 be used for if not touched – KQ- operational costs still safe with £6000 remaining. DG added that people are happy to contribute to the lottery as they have seen that in the past we have carried out the work we said it would be used for – e.g. Roof, Heating.

KQ- £6,000 would ensure all routine operational costs were covered for 6 months.

Proposal – To progress kitchen refurbishment as planned using £16,000 and loans form 4 families if required. Grants will however continue to be sought. Agreed unanimously.


  1. Current Budget Scenario reviewed at midyear point against plan – The Gift Aid element should be adjusted to £633. The broadband situation was queried – PlusNet have notified us that later in 2023 they will pull out of the business market. Cost is therefore likely to rise. Other than grants it is clear that we are on course or in excess of anticipated income in virtually all areas.


  1. Hire Fees – KQ projected that on an annual income from Local Hire based on a rate for an hour booking – £8000 raising by £1 (£13) will provide a further £687; by £2 (£14) = £1334. It was agreed that external hirer hourly rate would increase at the same rate (current £18 so rising to £20).  Weddings and full weekend bookings were discussed as a different category.  All members contributed to the discussion with some important principles being outlined, the key outcomes:-
  • Hire rates run from 1st September to 31st August, however, circumstances may require an increase or decrease. This needs to be reflected in the Terms and Conditions ACTION- KQ to review.
  • KQ has attended meetings where future energy costs are projected to not rise so dramatically or fall and this may require the hire charge to be revised down. This will require a date to be communicated to hirer. It was agreed to set hire fees for 1.9.23 – 31.3.24. ACTION KQ will undertake a review of energy costs/contract in Jan 2024. During this time JC will monitor trends in bookings
  • Communication of the rationale for increases is critical and to be sent to all current local hirers.

                      ACTION – LB to work with KQ to undertake this.

  • Wedding Bookings will rise from £500 to £650 to cover from 12.00 Friday to 12.00 on Sunday, which includes both set up and clearing away. Agreed unanimously though up to £750 was considered.
  • Weekend bookings such as events, christening parties, workshops, yoga will be charged the hourly rate. Lively discussion ensued. Agreed unanimously.
  • KQ – Proposed from 1st Sept 2023 to March 31st 2024 the hourly hire rates for the main hall will be

Local – £14; External – £20; Bakehouse Local – £9; External- £10. Such a rise is almost entirely needed because of steep energy cost increases. Agreed unanimously. All hirers, whether bookings have been made in advance of 01/09/2023 or not, must pay the revised hire fees. The sole exception will be the Autumn wedding. It is proposed we meet in January 2024 for the sole purpose of agreeing hire fees from 01/04/2024 to 31/08/2024. 

                ACTION: LB to set Jan 2024 date at our October 2023 meeting.

                ACTION: LG and JC to amend hire fee information on our website plus devise as simple a procedure  as possible to transition to new hire fees . 

                ACTION: KQ to amend Terms and Conditions re new hire fee scenario.  


  1. Reduced Rate for Chair Pilates – LB had circulated a paper requesting this to be considered. Members were very understanding of the importance of this group and the challenges they have in being self-sufficient. However it was agreed by all that we should not have different rates.

 ACTION- LB will continue to find funds to support and PN (Chair HCG) will ensure that HCG will support the group where needed.  ACTION: KQ has applied for a £500 Magic Little Grant to potentially support and proposes to approach the leaden Boot Challenge for further support.


  1. AOB-
  • Health and Safety Policy – previously circulated-
  • KQ explained the role of the Village Hall during the Coronation Celebrations, particularly the “Big Help Out” Envisaged that volunteers to clean windows, clean chairs, paint fencing and prepare a new wildflower area.
  • Card Reader – purchased. RT to set up for use at various events
  • Kitchen Disco- RT- request for more raffle prizes (Approx value £20) and explained the £10 lottery idea and how this can be accessed by those not attending on the night.

Meeting closed at 8.15pm                                   Liz Broomhead             March 2023