Minutes – 2023 AGM / MGM

Hartington Village Hall AGM on 18/10/2023 at 6.00pm- Bakehouse

Attendees- Keith Quine (KQ)- Chair, Liz Broomhead LB (secretary)- Judith Chantler (JC) -booking Secretary, Kate Craven-(Treasurer), David Graham (Trustee- Lottery) (DG), Kath Williamson(KW), John Grosvenor(JG), Andy Farmer(AF), Richard Gregory (RG), David Annat (DA), Rob Tenty (RT Trustee) Leon Goodwin (LG Trustee), Phillip Neal (PN), Malcolm Withers(MW)

Apologies-, Penny &Alan Jones, Gill & Adrian Crowe, Julie Graham

Presentation to Rob Tenty and Leon Goodwin of ‘Certificates of Recognition’ from ‘Support Staffordshire’ for their contributions as volunteers at our Village Hall by Chair of Trustees – Keith Quine. To celebrate this occasion there was wine/beer /soft drinks and tea available. The attendees applauded this acknowledgement.


  1. Approval of minutes from 12/10/2022- proposed- DG, 2nd AF- agreed
  2. Matters Arising – Actions all completed. Particular note to promote Leaden Boot event led by new lead from within community (also new organiser of Dovedale Dippers) as they have funded various projects for village.
  3. Chair’s Report /Report to Charity Commission- circulated prior to meeting KQ was able to elaborate on several of the items.
  • Bakehouse – water ingress now resolved on gable wall. Invoice for new windows received very late consequently was carried over into the next financial year.
  • Kitchen – could only use the existing space due to structural challenges. KQ recorded his thanks to JG for his support and monitoring of the refurbishment throughout.
  • Increase in bookings resulted in increase funds but did put some strain on the volunteer cleaning teams. Thanks were extended to this group.
  • 2021 AGM – outlined a list of jobs outstanding, many of which have been completed or are near completion. KQ progressed the grant application for toilet refurbishment as there were time constraints . The outcome- a grant for £13,186 awarded from DDCVS as managers of the government ‘Community Resilience Fund’ for 80% of the costs. PN/DA tabled their and the groups thanks to KQ for being so proactive. Remainder of costs will be met from our lottery.
  • An “ events group” has been developed which will build on the legacy of the communities work over the past 30 plus years. We will be looking at filling identified gaps as well as expanding on previously successful community events. Some discussion on key focus 2024/25 – 80/100yrs of hall. RG was able to provide some historical evidence- it was agreed that centenary celebration 2025 would be focus (Note – subsequent research confirms site was purchased by V T Perry in 2025 but we are still searching for exactly when the Main Hall was built).
  • Energy costs- 12 months oil use amounts to 645hours. Impact of new electricity contract is being felt.
  1. Treasurer’s Report- KC- The account summary had been circulated prior to meeting. A vote of thanks to KC proposed by KQ for the clear presentation of the accounts. A review of the budget plan for 2022/23 were tabled with the increase in local bookings being noteworthy. The crucial role played by LB in this dimension was noted.
  2. Appointment of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer 2022/2023- The current officers were willing to stand again- proposed a vote en bloc. Unanimously agreed. A vote of thanks was given for the hard work and commitment.
  3. Points raised by members of the community-
  • MW asked about the ownership of the “shed” against the north wall of hall – It was explained -ownership with Bassett family. Clarification was also provided as to public access and public footpath at the rear of the hall.


Meeting Closed at 7pm

Management Group meeting at 7.00pm

Attendees/Apologies as above (with exception of MW)


  1. Minutes of meeting of 23/03/20223  Acceptance proposed -DA 2nd – seconded by KC. They were accepted as a true record
  2. Matters Arising –

clarification on calendar of the activity under the Invoice number to aid individuals looking for an activity. Action: LG/JC to resolve

  1. Bookings – patterns/positives/concerns – JC/LB reported that all groups are now booking well ahead up to 6 months. New groups, French Classes and Fitness sessions. Sadly Scouts will fold at Christmas after 40 plus years. Two very successful weddings, Dovedale Dippers booked for 2024. Monday-Thursday evenings fully booked, increase in weekend bookings – Wellbeing/Yoga sessions as well as students staying overnight in November on a Climbing weekend. Art/Craft event in December. With long term bookings becoming the norm it is important to make the community aware that they need to plan ahead and make bookings early

Action: LB to communicate this to village community through N&V and other methods

  1. Lottery 2023/24 update: DG circulated at the meeting a summary of the previous years There are currently 113 holders, 1 less than last year. Draw for September and October completed- winner Emily Broomhead and Marion Gibbs. This fund-raising process is critical as match funds for Grant Applications. It was the “brainchild” of Rob and Kate Tenty – Thank you. KQ thanked DG for the quality of work to administer this process especially under the current challenging situation.
  2. Insurance 2023/24

Norris & Fisher are our insurance brokers and recommend a policy, ‘Village Guard’, with Covea Insurance Ltd.

Premium from 15/11/23 will be £1064.12, up from £1031.

  • Cover is:
  • Business interruption £10K
  • Building and contents cover: £906K and £22K
  • Employers liability £10million
  • Public and products liability £5million
  • Hirer of Premises £1million
  • Trustee indemnity £100K
  • Commercial legal expenses £1million.
  1. Energy review – KQ has had various challenges with the smart meter and EDF -supplier. We are now using less electricity due to the improved insulation and new boiler.

Action- KQ will continue to monitor the usage on a monthly basis

  1. Property review – JG/KW were asked to comment regarding the current status and what are the next steps. The key items are Carpet throughout foyer entrance and lower bakehouse, lighting for this area upgraded strip lighting. KQ is to follow up on any concerns with Fire safety. KW-The fire doors leading to grass area are sometimes not closed properly by external users.

Action: LB to repeat with all user groups the correct process to close properly

PN concerned about security.

Action:  KQ to follow up and align with the newly renewed Insurance policy . PN to investigate low cost technological option.

  1. Toilets refurbishment- progress update- Quotes received were distributed and discussed. The outcome unanimously supported for Paul Wain.

The quotes for toilet floor as well as replacement of Green carpet throughout were also presented and discussed- Unanimous support for Jantex. Thanks to KQ are recorded .

Action : KQ will now report back to Neil Moulden -DDCVS who are facilitating the grant our decision so the grant process can be completed.

  1. Budget plan 2023/24 – KQ presented the draft plan – following discussion it was adopted.


  1. AOB
  • RT enquired about a Wedding brochure -The current one is over 8 years old and in need of updating

Action LG to review and provide a n updated version using some recent photographs

  • KW – tabled concerns from Wednesday Social Dance Group about the need for increased membership especially from the village community.

Action: LB /KQ to discuss with Anthony/Louise  some promotional work using News and Views and social media.

  1. Date of next meeting: !7th January ‘24 – one item agenda-  potential new electricity contract and impact on hire rates.

20th March ‘24 Trustees/Management meeting

Action: LB to book