Hartington Village Hall AGM on 16/10/2024 at 6.00pm- Village Hall
Attendees- Keith Quine (KQ)- Chair, Liz Broomhead LB (Secretary- Trustee)- Judith Chantler (JC) -Booking Secretary, Kate Craven-(Treasurer-Trustee), David Graham (Trustee- Lottery) (DG), Kath Williamson(KW), Andy Farmer(AF Trustee), Richard Gregory (RG), David Annat (DA), Rob Tenty (RT Trustee) Malcolm Withers(MW) Julie Graham (JG); Malcolm and Dorothy Hawton (MH & DH).
Apologies-, Gill Dennis (GD)& Adrian Crowe (AC) , John Grosvenor(JG), Leon Goodwin (LG Trustee), Phillip Neal (PN),
Presentation to Kath Williamson, and David Graham (as well as John Grosvenor in his absence) of ‘Certificates of Recognition’ from ‘Support Staffordshire’ for their contributions as volunteers at our Village Hall by Chair of Trustees – Keith Quine.The attendees applauded this acknowledgement.
- Approval of minutes from 12/10/2022- proposed- DG, 2nd RT – agreed
- Matters Arising – Actions all completed.
- Chair’s Report /Report to Charity Commission- circulated prior to meeting KQ was able to elaborate on several of the items.
- Boiler issues resolved with thanks to David Butterworth. New boiler installed Jan 24 under warranty.
- Toilet refurbishment complete
- Thanks to KC ensuring the external audit completed and registered
- Fire Risk Assessment completed – Smoke alarms out of date but still operative. New ones will be linked with the Nest system DG,KQ,PN all on the phone alert system
- Carpeting of the Upper Bakehouse will be done after re-organization of the history resources and removal of the books
- 2025 (summer)will see the pointing of the outer kitchen wall – west facing
- Aim to have the oil tank and bins screened
- Energy costs- increase in 2023/4 – smart meter now working and the new contract- 2 years -will halve the past payments
MW asked about potential issues going forward . KQ- the need for complete electrical re-wiring probably this decade, and maintaining the gully between the old hall and toilet/foyer build.
Action: AF to check gully is clear of debris.
- Treasurer’s Report– KC- The account summary had been circulated prior to meeting. A vote of thanks to KC proposed by KQ for the clear presentation of the accounts. A review of the budget plan for 2023/24 were tabled with the increase in local bookings being noteworthy. Some discussion regarding the presentation of the fund raising summary to improve presentation. KC proposed possible solution to more accurately show profit/loss and this was accepted. KC stated that there was a challenge with the management of cash – which will become more difficult in the future as the PO closes.
- Appointment of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer 2024/2025– The current officers were willing to stand again- proposed a vote en bloc. Unanimously agreed. A vote of thanks was given for the hard work and commitment.
- Village Hall Centenary Celebrations 2025– a paper outlining draft proposals was circulated prior to the meeting. people were asked for thoughts- there was support for the main event of a community wide ‘centenary’ party on 12/07/2025 plus identified supporting activities. The next planning meeting 29.10.24 -6pm Upper Bakehouse to progress next steps. KQ proposed that £2000 be ring fenced to support any expenses that arise. This was supported. There was some discussion about centenary ‘Whim Ale’ and ‘Cheese’ both to be pursued as possibilities.
Separate to the centenary celebrations there was support for inviting ‘The Lovers Hi-Fi’ to return in 2025 with recognition that the funding needs to be increased for them. Choice of music to be discussed.
Action: RT and AF to discuss with the musicians.
KQ thanked all for attending and supporting the Village Hall.
- Date of next AGM – Wednesday 22.10.25 6pm
Meeting closed at 7pm
Management Group meeting at 7.00pm- Bakehouse
Attendees/Apologies as above (with exception of DH, MH, MW, JG and KC). AC joined the meeting.
- Minutes of meeting of 20/03/2024 Acceptance proposed -DA – seconded by RT. They were accepted as a true record and duly signed.
- Matters Arising – all completed except for the EVENTS Calendar. There are still issues with all community organisations sharing and accessing information.
ACTION- RT/LB to continue to work on this
- Bookings – JC reported significant increase especially in external hirers. A key factor in the range and quality of these external bookings is verbal contact and follow up -ensuring they are aware of the food/ accommodation opportunities on the hall’s doorstep.
- Lottery 2024/25 update: DG circulated at the meeting a summary of the previous years. There are currently 115 holders, 4 less than last year. Draw for September and October completed. This fund-raising process is critical as match funds for Grant Applications. It was the “brainchild” of Rob and Kate Tenty – Thank you. KQ thanked DG for the quality of work to administer this process.
- Insurance 2024/25 – based on the current trends KQ was projecting a significant increase – around £1600. We have now exceeded the £10,000 threshold for hire fees- but the submitted premium total is £1143.77 guaranteed for 3 years, apart from changes in the building cost index. The broker used is Norris & Fisher and the cover is with Covea. Meeting supported the acceptance of the new cover policy.
- Energy review We are now using less electricity due to the improved insulation and new boiler. Electricity cost is anticipated to be c£900 compared with previous figure £2600.
- Property review – Replaced fire doors, windows (planned for and completed on 17/10/24) and some trial smoke alarms/CO monitors. The trial has been successful and other NEST alarms will be installed.
- Budget plan 2024/25 -KQ had circulated the draft plan prior to the meeting – following discussion it was adopted with slight amendments e.g. insurance premium agreed (see Budget Plan 2024/5 Draft 2).
- AOB DG asked about deposits by external hirers. JC/LB – explained that this was not needed as they had a strong relationship/trust via good communication. The risk of default is judged to be minimal.
- Date of next meeting: 19th March 2025 Trustees/Management meeting