The August draw held on 14th August brings to a close our 2023-2024 lottery, with £1800 awarded in prizes and an amazing £4,200 secured towards a refurbishment of our toilet areas. Previous lotteries in 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 provided critical seed money to bid for grants that have resulted in a new roof, insulation and new ceiling, an entire new heating system plus asbestos removal. Along the way volunteers have insulated the Bakehouse and entrance lofts, decorated most of the Hall, refurbished the Lower Bakehouse, bought new chairs and projection equipment, fitted double glazed windows in the Upper Bakehouse, bought and fitted a new water heater and carried out a variety of small maintenance jobs. Our kitchen refurbishment was completed in July 2023, along with the outer wall remedial work after discovering historical damage The outcome is a far more hygienic, lighter and functional kitchen.  In January 2024 we completely refurbished our three toilet areas, together with LED lighting throughout our ground floor. Our lottery income of £4200 was the springboard to attracting a grant of £13,683 making this initiative possible.

So we now have a warmer, drier and more environmentally friendly space for the community which was well timed prior to the energy crisis, being cheaper to run, complete with  modern, more hygienic kitchen and toilets.The 2024/5 lottery is now being launched with the objective of replacing ‘blown’ panes of glass in the Main Hall, replacing the remaining rotting and aged wooden window frames as well as carpeting the Upper Bakehouse floor and undertaking improved security measures.

We have continued to see the many diverse groups using the Hall and a number of entertainment events, so all the work carried out so far has certainly brought its rewards. All the above has only been possible through our lottery income so we again say a big  ‘THANK YOU’ for your valued support.

We hope that you may feel able to support us again by entering the 2024-25 Village Hall Lottery. Information and an Application Form is attached; should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our Lottery Promoter, David Graham.

Regards, Keith & David

David Graham, Promoter of Hartington Village Hall Lottery

email:     Tel: 01298 808053 / 07811 393733